Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's one of our favorite times of the year!! Cluttering up our house more than we can imagine. We cut our tree down earlier than usual this year. Dec. 2,2007. That's got to be a record but we didn't get to decorating until today. Joe helped start it out and had to get to work but Zak arrived from a friends sleep over just in time to finish up. Seems like we can never get all of the boys doing an activity with someone needing to be somewhere else. Joe missed out on the adventure of getting the tree this year. Dakota has been so excited this year about the whole Christmas thing not sure if he should believe in Santa or not. I think he believes with me so I will still cover Santa presents. Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving and December pics. Dakota wanted to celebrate his Eighth birthday on Thanksgiving this year. His birthday has been on the day but this year it wasn't until Tuesday. We really wanted to seperate the two parties this year but he was very persistant. Next year his birthday

will fall on Thanksgiving again. Maybe thats what he wished when he blew out the candles. He he!! Dwayne and Daniel couldn't mak eit this year so maybe they will come next year.

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